
Diamonds have long been cherished as symbols of love, elegance, and timeless beauty. When it comes to choosing a diamond, size matters, and the allure of a 1 carat diamond is undeniable. However, the cost of a 1 carat diamond can vary widely due to factors such as cut, colour, clarity, and certification. In this blog, we'll explore the factors that influence the price of a 1 carat diamond and provide insights to help you navigate the world of diamond pricing. For a no obligation consultation with Sunshine Coast based jeweller, Morgan & Co, click here and discuss your 1 carat diamond engagement ring: Free Consultation.

Understanding the 4 Cs: Cut, Colour, Clarity, and Carat Weight

When it comes to pricing diamonds, the "Four Cs" play a significant role. You can read a more detailed Morgan & Co blog on the 4 C’s here

Cut: The cut of a diamond determines its brilliance and fire. A well-cut diamond reflects light beautifully and appears more stunning. Higher-quality cuts often come at a premium.

Colour: Diamonds are graded on a colour scale from D (colourless) to Z (light yellow or brown). Colourless diamonds are rarer and more valuable, while those with more noticeable colour are generally less expensive.

Clarity: Clarity refers to the presence of internal or external imperfections, known as inclusions and blemishes. Diamonds with fewer imperfections command higher prices, but slight imperfections may not affect the diamond's beauty.

Carat Weight: Carat weight refers to the size of the diamond. While a 1 carat diamond is a benchmark size, other factors also impact its price.

Factors Influencing the Cost of a 1 Carat Diamond

Quality of the 4 Cs

As mentioned earlier, the cut, colour, clarity, and carat weight all contribute to the diamond's price. Diamonds with higher cut grades, colourless grades (D-F), and minimal imperfections command higher prices.


Diamonds are often certified by reputable gemological laboratories. The certification ensures the diamond's authenticity and provides information about its quality. Diamonds with well-respected certifications like GIA or IGI tend to be priced higher.


The shape of the diamond also affects its cost. Round brilliant cut diamonds are often more expensive due to their popularity and the precision required for their cutting. 


Fluorescence refers to how a diamond reacts to ultraviolet light. Some diamonds exhibit fluorescence, which can affect their appearance in certain lighting conditions. Diamonds with strong fluorescence might be priced lower. Morgan & Co diamonds have no fluorescence in them and each diamond is of the highest quality.

Market Demand

Market trends and demand can impact diamond prices. Popular shapes, trends, and consumer preferences can influence the cost of diamonds. Currently, the oval cut diamond and pear cut diamond are the most popular shapes. 

Pricing Range for a 1 Carat Diamond

The price range for a 1 carat diamond can vary significantly. On average, a 1 carat diamond can cost anywhere from $3,000 to $20,000 or more, depending on the factors mentioned above. Keep in mind that while price is important, the beauty and meaning behind the diamond hold even more value.

Key Message: Choosing a 1 carat diamond involves careful consideration of the Four Cs, certification, and personal preferences. The cost of a 1 carat diamond can vary based on its quality, making it essential to understand these factors before making a purchase. Remember that a diamond's value extends beyond its price tag; it's a symbol of love, commitment, and a precious connection between two hearts.

Natural vs. Lab-Grown: Comparing the Cost of 1-Carat Diamonds

The world of diamonds has expanded to include both natural and lab-grown options, offering consumers more choices when selecting their perfect gemstone. One of the common questions that arise is how the cost of a 1 carat natural diamond compares to that of a 1 carat lab-grown diamond. We'll delve into the factors influencing the price of each type of diamond and provide insights to help you make an informed decision based on your preferences and budget.

Understanding Natural Diamonds

Natural diamonds are formed deep within the Earth's mantle over millions of years. Their rarity, uniqueness, and historical significance contribute to their allure and value. The cost of a 1 carat natural diamond is influenced by factors such as cut, colour, clarity, and carat weight.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Natural Diamonds

The Four Cs

As mentioned above, the 4 C’s - cut, colour, clarity and carat weight, all play a role in the pricing of a natural diamond. 

Introduction to Lab-Grown Diamonds

Lab-grown diamonds are created in controlled environments that replicate the conditions under which natural diamonds form. They have the same physical and chemical properties as natural diamonds, making them visually and chemically identical. Read our detailed blog on lab grown diamonds and find out more here

Factors Affecting the Cost of Lab-Grown Diamonds

Production Costs

While lab-grown diamonds are generally more affordable than natural diamonds, their cost is influenced by factors such as production methods, equipment, and technology.

Market Demand

Lab-grown diamonds have gained popularity due to their ethical and environmental considerations. Market demand can impact their pricing.

Comparing the Cost

On average, lab-grown diamonds can be 20% to 40% more affordable than their natural counterparts. However, this cost difference may vary based on the specifics of the diamond, the retailer, and the market conditions. It's essential to research thoroughly and compare prices before making a decision.

Making the Choice

Choosing between a natural and a lab-grown diamond involves personal preferences and values. Natural diamonds hold historical significance and rarity, while lab-grown diamonds offer ethical and environmental benefits along with affordability.

Key Message: The cost of a 1-carat natural diamond versus a 1-carat lab-grown diamond is influenced by various factors, including rarity, production methods, and market demand. While lab-grown diamonds tend to be more affordable, the choice ultimately depends on your priorities, values, and budget. Whether you're captivated by the allure of natural diamonds or drawn to the ethical considerations of lab-grown ones, both options offer the opportunity to select a stunning gemstone that aligns with your unique preferences.

How big is a 1ct diamond?

A 1 carat diamond is a measure of the diamond's weight, not its physical size. Carat is a unit of measurement specifically used for gemstones, with 1 carat equaling 200 milligrams or 0.2 grams.

However, the size of a 1 carat diamond can vary based on its cut, shape, and proportions. The most common shape for a diamond is the round brilliant cut, and the average diameter of a 1 carat round diamond is around 6.5 to 6.7 millimetres.

Keep in mind that different diamond shapes (such as princess, oval, emerald, etc.) will have different length-to-width ratios, which can affect how a diamond appears in terms of size. Additionally, the diamond's cut quality can influence its visual appearance, as a well-cut diamond will reflect light and appear larger than a poorly cut one of the same carat weight.

If you're looking to purchase a diamond, it's recommended to view diamonds in person or through accurate images to get a better sense of their size and overall appearance.

How to choose a 1ct diamond?

Choosing a 1 carat diamond is an exciting endeavour, but it can also be a complex process due to the many factors that influence a diamond's appearance and value. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the process of choosing a 1 carat diamond?

Determine Your Budget

Before you start your search, establish a realistic budget. Keep in mind that the cost of a 1 carat diamond can vary significantly based on factors such as cut, colour, clarity, and shape. In the current market, natural diamonds are very expensive, therefore you may opt for a lab grown 1 carat diamond where you may be able to achieve a colourless stone with a better quality and clarity, compared to a natural 1 carat diamond where you may need to compromise on quality. We advise to contact a reputable jeweller, such as the team at Morgan & Co, to discuss your options. Morgan & Co work within your budget and will help you achieve a quality diamond while remaining at your price point. To make your booking, either in studio or virtually, book here. Morgan & Co are rated the Number One jeweller on the Sunshine Coast.

Understand the 4 Cs

Familiarise yourself with the Four Cs of diamonds: cut, colour, clarity, and carat weight. These characteristics collectively influence a diamond's appearance and value.

Decide on Shape

Select the diamond shape that appeals to you and your partner. Popular shapes include round brilliant, princess, oval, emerald, and more. Each shape has a unique appearance and style. For inspiration on diamond shape look at Morgan & Co’s range of custom designed engagement rings here. 

Prioritise Cut Quality

The cut of the diamond significantly affects its beauty. Look for a diamond with an excellent or very good cut grade. A well-cut diamond will exhibit exceptional brilliance and sparkle.

Check for Certification

Ensure that the diamond comes with a reputable gemological certificate from an organisation like the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) or the International Gemological Institute (IGI). The certificate provides important information about the diamond's quality. Each diamond purchased with Morgan & Co comes certified from a reputable third party. 

View Diamonds in Person 

If possible, view diamonds in person to assess their appearance, brilliance, and any potential visible flaws. Observe how the diamond interacts with light. We strongly recommend not purchasing a diamond online and you can read our blog here to find out the reasons why. When you are making such a sentimental and expensive purchase, you need to ensure you speak with a respected jeweller who is educated in diamond buying. Contact the expert team at Morgan & Co here. 

Seek Expert Guidance

Consult with experts or jewellers who can provide insights and guidance based on your preferences and budget. Their expertise can help you make an informed decision. The team at Morgan & Co have years of experience and diamond grading education under their sleeves, they also have access to a global network of diamonds and only purchase ethically sourced diamonds with a certification. 

Opt for Conflict-Free Diamonds

Choose diamonds from ethical sources that adhere to responsible mining practices. Look for diamonds certified as conflict-free. Read more about conflict free diamonds and how Morgan & Co prioritise conflict free stones here. 

Trust Your Instincts

Ultimately, choose a diamond that resonates with your instincts and preferences. It's a symbol of your commitment, so it should hold personal significance.

Key Message: Remember that choosing a diamond is a personal journey. Take your time, research thoroughly, and select a 1-carat diamond that reflects your love, style, and values.

Is a 1ct diamond big enough?

The size of a 1 carat diamond is a matter of personal preference and can vary depending on individual taste, the wearer's hand size, and cultural considerations. Here are a few factors to consider when determining if a 1 carat diamond is big enough for you

Hand Size

The perceived size of a diamond can be influenced by the size of the wearer's hand. A 1 carat diamond might look larger on a smaller hand and vice versa. It's a good idea to try on different diamond sizes to see what looks and feels right to you. Morgan & Co tailor their consultations to suit each client and by doing so there is time and care taken to try on each shape in different sizes to ensure you choose the perfect diamond for you. Book your diamond viewing consultation here

Style Preference

Some individuals prefer a more subtle and classic look, while others might want a larger and more eye-catching diamond. Your personal style and what you feel comfortable wearing should guide your decision.


The larger the diamond, the higher the cost. Consider your budget and whether a 1-carat diamond fits within your financial means. Keep in mind that other factors like cut, colour, and clarity also impact the appearance and value of the diamond.

Symbolic Meaning

For many, the symbolism behind the diamond is more important than its size. A 1-carat diamond carries the same emotional significance as any other diamond and represents love, commitment, and a promise for the future.


Consider your lifestyle and how the diamond will fit into your everyday activities. If you have an active lifestyle, a larger diamond might be more prone to getting bumped or scratched.

Cultural Differences

Cultural norms and expectations can play a role in how diamond size is perceived. Some cultures place a greater emphasis on larger diamonds, while others prioritise other aspects of the ring.

Key Message: Ultimately, the "right" diamond size is subjective and unique to each individual. Take your time to explore different options, try on various sizes, and consider what feels meaningful and special to you and your partner. The beauty of choosing a diamond is that it's a reflection of your personal preferences and the love you share.


From the radiant sparkle that dances within the depths of a well-cut diamond to the allure of its colour and the clarity of its story, each aspect contributes to its value. A 1 carat diamond's cost is not a solitary number but a symphony of factors. The cut, colour, clarity, and carat weight harmonise to create its melody, while its origin, certification, and market demand provide the rhythm.

While the average cost of a 1 carat diamond can range from a few thousand to tens of thousands of dollars, it's crucial to remember that a diamond's value isn't solely determined by its price tag. The emotional significance, the promise it represents, and the love it encapsulates are priceless aspects that transcend monetary value.

As you navigate the world of diamonds, remember that education, research, and expert guidance are your allies. Every diamond carries its own story, waiting to be discovered by the one who holds it. Whether it's a simple solitaire or a dazzling masterpiece, the 1 carat diamond is a reminder that beauty and meaning can be found in every facet.

Ultimately, the journey to find the perfect 1 carat diamond is a reflection of your unique story, your personal taste, and your commitment to creating a lasting memory. As you embark on this quest, embrace the brilliance of knowledge, the fire of passion, and the clarity of purpose. And as you hold that exquisite gem in your hand, you'll be holding not just a diamond, but a symbol of your love's endurance and the promise of a forever filled with brilliance. We highly recommend you speaking with the expert jewellers at Morgan & Co - this jeweller is based on Australia's Sunshine Coast and you can book your free consultation here to chat about your engagement ring. 

Frequently Asked Questions: Understanding the Size and Value of 1-Carat Diamonds

How big is a 1 carat diamond?

A 1-carat diamond's size depends on its cut, shape, and proportions. On average, a round brilliant cut 1-carat diamond can measure around 6.5 to 6.7 millimetres in diameter. Other shapes might have different dimensions, but remember that a well-cut diamond can appear larger than a poorly cut one of the same weight.

Is a 1 carat diamond big enough?

The size of a 1-carat diamond is a matter of personal preference. It's essential to consider factors like hand size, style preference, and cultural influences. Some find a 1 carat diamond to be the perfect balance of elegance and significance, while others might prefer a larger or smaller stone based on their taste and lifestyle.

What is the difference between a 1 carat natural diamond and a lab-grown diamond?

The primary distinction between a 1 carat natural diamond and a lab-grown diamond lies in their origin. Natural diamonds are formed deep within the Earth's crust over millions of years, while lab-grown diamonds are created in controlled environments using advanced technology. Both types of diamonds have the same physical and chemical properties, but lab-grown diamonds tend to be more affordable and have a reduced environmental impact.

Are lab grown diamonds as valuable as natural diamonds?

Lab-grown diamonds are chemically and optically identical to natural diamonds, but they often come at a lower cost due to the reduced time frame for their formation. While they offer affordability and ethical benefits, natural diamonds hold historical significance and rarity, factors that can influence their value.

How do I decide between a natural and a lab grown 1 carat diamond?

Choosing between a natural and a lab-grown diamond depends on your priorities. If rarity and tradition are essential, a natural diamond might be preferable. On the other hand, if you're looking for a more budget-friendly and eco-conscious option, a lab-grown diamond could be a better fit.

What other factors impact on a diamond's appearance and value?

Beyond size, a diamond's cut, colour, clarity, and certification influence its appearance and value. Well-cut diamonds sparkle more brilliantly, colourless or near-colourless diamonds are more valuable, and fewer visible inclusions enhance a diamond's beauty.

Can a 1 carat diamond be customised to look larger?

A skilled jeweller can work with you to design a setting that enhances the appearance of your 1 carat diamond, making it appear larger than its actual size. The right setting and design can optimise the diamond's brilliance and visual impact.

Are there cultural considerations when choosing a 1 carat diamond?

Cultural norms and traditions can influence diamond preferences. Some cultures prioritise larger diamonds, while others emphasise different aspects of the gem, such as its symbolism or ethical considerations.

How can I make an informed decision about a 1 carat diamond?

To make an informed decision, educate yourself about the Four Cs (cut, colour, clarity, and carat weight), consider your personal style and values, and seek guidance from reputable jewellers or experts who can help you navigate your options.

What matters most when choosing a 1 carat diamond?

Ultimately, what matters most is your personal connection to the diamond. Whether it's a natural or lab-grown diamond, the size that feels right for you, or the specific qualities that resonate with your values, the significance of the diamond goes beyond its physical attributes—it's a symbol of love, commitment, and cherished moments.

August 27, 2023 — Morgan Gaskin