Creating A Radiant Cut Diamond Engagement Ring With Stevie & Mosese
Creating A Radiant Cut Diamond Engagement Ring With Stevie & Mosese
1 min read
We recently had the pleasure of assisting a beautiful couple, Stevie & Mosese, with creating their new forever engagement ring.
Read on for an exclusive interview, which details their special proposal journey and experience with our Morgan & Co Bespoke Team.
Was there anything in particular that drew you to work with us?
"When we saw your marketing and Instagram. It is what made us want to work with you. It was exactly our vibe".
Which ring did you choose/design for your forever piece, and why?
"We chose a beautiful radiant cut diamond set east to west. When we saw the diamond we immediately fell in love with it and it looked so stunning on my hand."
Stevie's chosen design was a 4 claw radiant diamond set in an east to west setting.
What was your favourite part of your Morgan & Co experience?
"The initial consultation was the best part for us. We both learnt so much from Laura and she made us feel so comfortable. The studio is absolutely gorgeous and I had such a good experience trying all different styles to find the perfect ring for me."
Tell us a little bit about your proposal.
"Mosese proposed at home, he set up the house with candles, lights, rose pedals, balloons and a photo of us and a card for me to read. When I finished reading the card he was behind me down on one knee. It was very intimate and special. We then celebrated with our friends and family over the weekend."